Just One Reader's Opinion!

On Finding Time To Read

I set my Goodreads 2013 reading goal at 100 books this year.

At the time, it seemed like a lot. But at the time of writing this post, I’ve not only met that goal, I’ve exceeded it and have so far read 132 books this year. I upped the goal to 105 books, then 110, and then just left it.

One of the questions I’m most frequently asked – by friends, family, coworkers – is how I have time to read so much.

I’m a bookworm. I’m sure that goes without saying, but I said it. I find that it isn’t so much about finding the time read – it’s about how I choose to spend the time that I have reading. I already have the time – but how do I choose to spend it?

Obviously reading is one of my favourite things, but I do have other interests: playing Nintendo, watching TV and movies, hanging out with my husband and friends. Oh yeah, and I have that 9-5 job Monday to Friday.

I know we all feel pressed for time, and that there aren’t enough hours in the day. I certainly feel that way! So I try to make the most of the time I do have, by spending as much time as I can doing the things that I want to do!

I’m an early bird. I get up at pretty much the same time every day, whether it’s a workday or a weekend. I love getting up early on Saturday or Sunday and curling up with my book when it feels like the rest of the city is still asleep. I also use my lunch-hour to read during the week. I take that time in the middle of my workday to escape into my book. This is especially important to me on those days when work is crazy busy or super stressful. In the evening, I take the hour before my bedtime to put on pajamas, get under the covers, and read my book.

So on a weekday, if I read at lunch and before bed, that’s two hours of reading time! And I’m a fast reader, usually able to read about 100 pages in an hour, if I’m really into the book.

Sure, I could do other things with that time, and sometimes I do (more in the summer, when the weather is warm and sunny – winter in Canada means that I don’t venture outside unless absolutely necessary, which means I have lots of reading time on the weekend!). But for the most part, I choose to use that time to read.

So when people wonder how I have so much time to read, lamenting the fact that they do not, I can’t help but wonder what is they’re choosing to do with their time. As I’ve discovered, it isn’t about having time to read, it’s about choosing to make the time.

What about my fellow readers and bloggers? How do you make the time to read among all the other things going on in your life?

6 Responses

  1. It amazes me how much you, Kathy and Kelly have read this year! I have got to start carving out some more reading time. My excuse is that my kids keep me really busy. haha! Hopefully I can start working in more time soon, though. I have a lot of catching up to do!

    1. Yeah, I think if I had kids and/or pets – basically any living creature depending on me for its survival – I would definitely have less time to read!!

  2. I haven’t made it through as many books as you have- I’m super impressed! I get the same question though, on how I have time to read. I think it’s just a priority thing, you know? Then again, I am also petless and kidless, so my perspective is skewed :).

  3. When I have the time for fun reading I really like taking my kindle and using it at the gym (on the treadmill or the stair master). It makes the boring workout much less tedious.

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