Loveboat, Taipei
I definitely recommend that you add this to your 2020 TBR and pick up a copy when it’s available!
I definitely recommend that you add this to your 2020 TBR and pick up a copy when it’s available!
Overall, while I don’t think this was as strong as Slayer, I enjoyed it and definitely want to see where Nina’s story goes next.
Of the few nonfiction books I read in 2019, this was definitely my favourite!
There was more depth to this one than I expected.
I actually DNFd this book at the beginning of the year. But this year I took another look at some books I DNFd and gave some of them a second chance, including this one.
The story within the story was, to me, the most interesting part.
This was a fun, creative, beautifully told story.
This premise caught my attention right away. I love a creepy story, and what’s creepier than a house in the woods where things go bump in the night?
I loved the premise and cover for this one, and was definitely drawn in by a Six of Crows vibe at first.
Despite my initial excitement, this was a disappointing read for me.
The Flatshare was a pleasant enough read, but not totally my cup of tea, and not one that pulled me in emotionally.