Just One Reader's Opinion!

The Love That Split the World

The Love That Split the WorldThe Love That Split the World By Emily Henry

Source Received from the publisher

Published by Razorbill on January 26, 2016

Received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Rating: three-stars

Cover image and summary from Goodreads:

Natalie Cleary must risk her future and leap blindly into a vast unknown for the chance to build a new world with the boy she loves.

Natalie’s last summer in her small Kentucky hometown is off to a magical start... until she starts seeing the “wrong things.” They’re just momentary glimpses at first—her front door is red instead of its usual green, there’s a pre-school where the garden store should be. But then her whole town disappears for hours, fading away into rolling hills and grazing buffalo, and Nat knows something isn’t right.

That’s when she gets a visit from the kind but mysterious apparition she calls “Grandmother,” who tells her: “You have three months to save him.” The next night, under the stadium lights of the high school football field, she meets a beautiful boy named Beau, and it’s as if time just stops and nothing exists. Nothing, except Natalie and Beau.

Emily Henry’s stunning debut novel is Friday Night Lights meets The Time Traveler’s Wife, and perfectly captures those bittersweet months after high school, when we dream not only of the future, but of all the roads and paths we’ve left untaken.

Oh how I wanted to love this book. I admit, I fell in love with the cover and that alone was enough to make me want to get my hands on it. Thank you to Penguin Random House Canada for the gorgeous finished copy!

I really struggled with my feelings for this book once I finished. I wasn’t really able to write the kind of review I usually do, so I’ve instead decided to post my pro/con list for this book.

Pros (Things I Liked)

1. That cover! It’s so beautiful. I remember when it was first revealed, it was so eye-catching and so totally gorgeous. I would frame that cover and hang it in my house, I love it that much.

2. Intriguing plot! I am so drawn to stories about time travel, time loops, parallel worlds, etc. and so when I read that this is billed as Friday Night Lights meets The Time-Traveler’s Wife, I knew that I was definitely interested in checking this out.

3. Characters! While I didn’t feel like I really connected with the main characters, I really liked a lot of the secondary characters in this story (and actually wished that they were a bigger part of the story).

4. Writing! Emily Henry can write some truly beautiful sentences.

Cons (Things I Didn’t Like)

1. Story. I felt like there was such potential for me to love this book and this story, but it never quite told the story I thought I was getting, based on the synopsis. That’s not the book’s fault – the story is what it is, but it just wasn’t for me, in the end.

2. (My) Pacing. It took me a very, very long time to finish reading this book (over a month!). It started to feel like a chore. I was picking it up to read because I felt like I had to, not because I wanted to. Every time I thought something would happen that caught my interest, the story would go somewhere else and I lost interest again. When I am into a book, I can’t stop thinking about, hate to put it down for even a moment, and so when it becomes something of a struggle to read on, I know that the book and I just aren’t connecting.

And perhaps that’s the real struggle I had – I simply didn’t connect. I wanted to fall in love with this book and get caught up in the story and characters, but for whatever reason, I just didn’t. And that led me to lose interest.

However, I know people who love love love this book, so take this for what it is – just my opinion! And based on what I did like about The Love That Split the World, I would read more by Emily Henry in the future.

Purchase a copy for yourself:


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