Just One Reader's Opinion!

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week’s topic is:

Top Ten Blogging Confessions

Hmm. This was a tough one for me! I had a tough time coming up with ten, but here they are:

1. I return so many books to the library before I read them.

I put holds on all sorts of books and then they’re all ready at the same time! I feel like having them all sitting and staring at me will somehow motivate me to read them all before the due dates, but sometimes I pick up a book at the library and then never really feel like reading it. I have taken books out two or three times before finally reading them.

2. I sometimes have up to two months of reviews scheduled.

I’m a really fast reader, and I try to write my reviews as soon as possible after finishing a book. I usually only post two reviews a week (unless they’re ARCs – then I try to post them a week before or the week of the release date, which can mean extra reviews posted in a week), so when I schedule my reviews, sometimes I end up with almost two months of reviews scheduled.

3. I prefer new books or e-books to used books.

I don’t really know when this started, because I used to love browsing used bookstores, but nowadays I would rather own a new copy of a book, or an e-book, than a used one. I suppose it depends on the condition of a used book (and library book!) – I’ve had some that were in great condition, but many had mangled pages or covers and that old book smell, which I don’t enjoy.

4. I get upset if a book series has a cover change but I’m trying to not care so much.

This really bothers me, but I don’t want it to get to me as much as it does! I hate looking at my shelves and seeing a series with different versions, butΒ  I am trying to relax about this and not care so much. I know what really matters is the story in between the covers, and the story is the same no matter what cover I have, so I’m trying to relax about this stuff!

5. I also used to want my books to match, e.g. a series in all paperback or all hard cover.

But again, I’m trying not to care about it too much.

6. I own a ton of books I haven’t read yet.

When I look at my shelves and see a ton of books that I haven’t read yet – some of which I’ve owned for years – I get a bit anxious. Every year I say I’m going to try to read more from my shelves instead of new books, but I don’t know that I’ve done a great job of that this year.

7. I would rather read than go out and socialize

99% of the time, I would prefer to spend the day and night at home, reading (or playing Nintendo or catching up on my TV shows). That’s just the way I am. I’m a bit of an introvert, and my husband is an extrovert. Thankfully, he understands me and doesn’t mind when I choose to stay home when he goes out with friends.

Even when I do go out, I make sure I have a book or e-reader in my purse, just in case. You never know when you’ll have some unexpected reading time!

Well, I couldn’t quite come up with ten. I’m looking forward to reading everyone else’s confessions!

10 Responses

  1. I’m an introvert, as well. I would rather be home playing with my kids or reading than be thrust in a social situation that’s bound to be awkward because I rather not be there. I’ve gotten pretty good at faking it though, so that when my husband does want to go out he has a good time.

    Great list! Our TTT!

  2. I am with you on #1! I have at least two books I return unread on my library trips. I totally understand where you’re coming from on having books the same: I’m all for paperbacks!

    1. I dread incurring library fines, so I’d rather return the books unread and check them out another time. I may have a few books I’m returning, unread, today…:)

  3. Last summer I took a pile of books out from the library and was never in the mood for any so I returned them too! A bunch I tried to renew but it wouldn’t let me.
    I almost always have two months scheduled since you mentioned it, it’s easier for me since I tend to get into reading slumps once in a while, and with me going back to school soon it helps a lot.
    I sometimes prefer staying home too, but my fiancee makes me go out and I have work in the evenings, otherwise I would stay in or read in the backyard all the time, glad to know I’m not alone in this!

    1. Yeah, I feel much better when I have reviews scheduled, in case I slack off on writing reviews or am going to be out of town and away from my computer.

      Ooh you’re going back to school? Exciting!

  4. I do the same thing. I have to recheck out a book, then finally read it. I have six bookshelves though out the house. I keep saying one day I will get back to reading them. I now have bought four copies of a book I love. Just in case one goes missing I have backup books for it.

    1. I have done the same thing. The problem I have that contributes to this. Is the library is full of tempting new books as well as the ones on the shelves. When I get to retire. I’m going to read a whole lot more.

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