Just One Reader's Opinion!

(Don’t You) Forget About Me

(Don’t You) Forget About Me(Don't You) Forget About Me By Kate Karyus Quinn

Source Received from the publisher

Published by HarperTeen on June 10, 2014

Received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Rating: four-stars

Cover image and summary from Goodreads:

Welcome to Gardnerville.

A place where no one gets sick. And no one ever dies.

There’s a price to pay for paradise. Every fourth year, the strange power that fuels the town exacts its payment by infecting teens with deadly urges. In a normal year in Gardnerville, teens might stop talking to their best friends. In a fourth year, they’d kill them.

Four years ago, Skylar’s sister, Piper, was locked away after leading sixteen of her classmates to a watery grave. Since then, Skylar has lived in a numb haze, struggling to forget her past and dull the pain of losing her sister. But the secrets and memories Piper left behind keep taunting Skylar—whispering that the only way to get her sister back is to stop Gardnerville’s murderous cycle once and for all.

I read Kate Karyus Quinn’s debut, Another Little Piece, and loved it. That was a twisty, gruesome, creepy book and I was hoping for more of the same from this follow up.

This was less creepy and gruesome, but definitely twisty and strange. Nothing about this book was what I expected, which can be good or bad depending on the reader, but for me, it was great to read something so unpredictable and unique.

I loved the way Quinn revealed details of the town of Gardnerville, and Skyler and Piper’s relationship, over time. Like ALP, this was a book that had me constantly wondering what was really going on, but I loved the pay off at the end. Seriously, this book had me confused pretty much the entire time, and I know that doesn’t really sound like a good thing, but it totally worked here. I was just so intrigued about where the story was going and how it was going to end.

There are no clear cut good or bad guys in this book. The town of Gardnerville, and its residents, are instead in some sort of in-between shade of grey. Bad things happen but people accept it as the price to be paid for benefits of living in a place where people live longer than usual and where people don’t get sick. There were times where I thought certain characters were the villains of the story, but then I’d learn something new and it would change my mind. That is my muddled way of saying that the characters were as complicated and twisty and unpredictable as the story itself!

This has not been the easiest book to review, so I will just come out and say that I loved it. If you enjoyed Another Little Piece, I think you’ll like this one too! And if ALP was too gory and horror-filled for you, rest assured, there isn’t really much of that here so don’t let that stop you from picking this one up!

After reading Another Little Piece and this book, I can declare that I will read anything Kate Karyus Quinn writes!

Check out more information at HarperCollinsCanada’s site.


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