Just One Reader's Opinion!

Lois Lane: Fallout

Lois Lane: FalloutLois Lane: Fallout By Gwenda Bond

Series: Lois Lane #1

Source Purchased

Published by Switch Press on May 1, 2015

Rating: four-half-stars

Cover image and summary from Goodreads:

Lois Lane is starting a new life in Metropolis. An Army brat, Lois has lived all overβ€”and seen all kinds of things. (Some of them defy explanation, like the near-disaster she witnessed in Kansas in the middle of one night.) But now her family is putting down roots in the big city, and Lois is determined to fit in. Stay quiet. Fly straight. As soon as she steps into her new high school, though, she can see it won’t be that easy. A group known as the Warheads is making life miserable for another girl at school. They’re messing with her mind, somehow, via the high-tech immersive videogame they all play. Not cool. Armed with her wit and her new snazzy job as a reporter, Lois has her sights set on solving this mystery. But sometimes it’s all a bit much. Thank goodness for her maybe-more-than-a friend, a guy she knows only by his screenname, SmallvilleGuy.

I was super excited to read this from the moment I first heard about it. And once I saw that cover, I just knew I had to get a beautiful copy for my shelf!

There is so much to love about this book, including a wonderful protagonist, a story that incorporates bullying, video games, and possible mind-control, and a great group of secondary characters surrounding Lois.

Lois was pretty much everything that I want in a protagonist: she was intelligent, quick-witted, funny, kind, and stood up for what she thought was right.

The plot was really interesting too, as was Metropolis. Everything felt kind of futuristic, but not overly so. And of course, Lois’s online friend, Smallville Guy, who she’s able to open up to and who she wishes she could meet in real life…I wonder who he could be πŸ˜‰

I just loved nearly everything about this book, from the writing, the characters, and the story to the physical book itself: the dust jacket, the hardcover underneath the dust jacket, and the feel of the pages. What a beautiful book!

This is highly recommended, and one of my favourite reads of this year so far! I truly hope that there will be a book two, because I absolutely cannot wait to read it!


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