Just One Reader's Opinion!

Moon of the Crusted Snow

Moon of the Crusted SnowMoon of the Crusted Snow By Waubgeshig Rice

Source Purchased

Published by ECW Press on October 2, 2018

Rating: four-stars

With winter looming, a small northern Anishinaabe community loses communication. Days later, it goes dark. Cut off from the urban realm of the south, many of its people become passive and confused. They eventually descend into panic as the food supply dwindles, with few hunters left in the First Nation. While the band council and a pocket of community members struggle to maintain order, an unexpected visitor arrives from a city in the south to escape a crumbling society. Soon after, others follow. The community leadership is faced with the dilemma of allowing the urban refugees to live with them on their territory. Tensions rise, and as the months pass, so does the death toll due to sickness and despair. Frustrated by the building chaos, a group of young friends and their families turn to the land and tradition in hopes of helping their community thrive again, while they grapple with a grave decision.

I was really looking forward to reading this! I love stories about apocalypses and societal collapse and survival, and this synopsis definitely grabbed my attention. And I’d heard a lot of good things about the book, so I bought myself a copy and was excited to read it.

This was a really intriguing, absorbing, atmospheric story about community and survival that I didn’t want to put down once I started reading. I could feel the dread and tension mounting as more time passed, especially when a stranger from the south showed up.



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