Just One Reader's Opinion!

A Noise Downstairs

A Noise DownstairsA Noise Downstairs By Linwood Barclay

Source Purchased

Published by William Morrow on July 24, 2018

Rating: three-half-stars

College professor Paul Davis is a normal guy with a normal life. Until, driving along a deserted road late one night, he surprises a murderer disposing of a couple of bodies. That’s when Paul’s "normal" existence is turned upside down. After nearly losing his own life in that encounter, he finds himself battling PTSD, depression, and severe problems at work. His wife, Charlotte, desperate to cheer him up, brings home a vintage typewriterβ€”complete with ink ribbons and heavy round keysβ€”to encourage him to get started on that novel he’s always intended to write.

However, the typewriter itself is a problem. Paul swears it’s possessed and types by itself at night. But only Paul can hear the noise coming from downstairs; Charlotte doesn’t hear a thing. And she worries he’s going off the rails.

Paul believes the typewriter is somehow connected to the murderer he discovered nearly a year ago. The killer had made his victims type apologies to him before ending their lives. Has another sick twist of fate entwined his life with the killerβ€”could this be the same machine? Increasingly tormented but determined to discover the truth and confront his nightmare, Paul begins investigating the deaths himself.

But that may not be the best thing to do. Maybe Paul should just take the typewriter back to where his wife found it. Maybe he should stop asking questions and simply walk away while he can. . . .

I heard good things about this thriller leading up to its release, so I was super intrigued and bought it when it came out.

This was a really quick read! I didn’t want to put it down the whole time I was reading.

This book was a wild ride! It was very twisty, but several of the twists were predictable. There was so much (too much?) going on, but this was a fun thriller.

If you’re looking for a fun, twisty thriller, check this out!


2 Responses

  1. I’m reading his book “The Twenty-Three” and I am finding way too much going on and way too many characters. I’ve tried to get into it several times. So many people love his books so I’m hanging in there with it.

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