Just One Reader's Opinion!

I See You

I See YouI See You By Clare Mackintosh

Source Purchased

Published by Sphere on April 4, 2017

Rating: three-half-stars

Cover image and summary from Goodreads:

You do the same thing every day.

You know exactly where you're going.

You're not alone.

When Zoe Walker sees her photo in the classifieds section of a London newspaper, she is determined to find out why it's there. There's no explanation: just a website, a grainy image and a phone number. She takes it home to her family, who are convinced it's just someone who looks like Zoe. But the next day the advert shows a photo of a different woman, and another the day after that.

Is it a mistake? A coincidence? Or is someone keeping track of every move they make . . .

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been on a major mystery/thriller kick with my reading this year. I’m always looking for a book that will surprise me, where I won’t figure out the culprit and motive before all is revealed by the author. I’d heard very good things about I See You, and decided to check it out.

The premise here is certainly intriguing, and as the story unfolds and the meaning behind the ad Zoe finds becomes clear, the tension ramps up. I certainly enjoyed the writing and hated having to put the book down. I was super into it!

I figured out the ‘whodunnit’ fairly early on, but it was fun seeing my suspicions confirmed as I read on and picked up more clues.

Overall, this was a gripping read, and now I really want to read her previous book, I Let You Go. Recommended!


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