Just One Reader's Opinion!

Plum Pudding Murder

Plum Pudding MurderPlum Pudding Murder By Joanne Fluke

Series: Hannah Swenson #12

Source Purchased

Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation on October 1, 2010

Rating: three-half-stars

The Cookie Jar's busiest time of the year also happens to be the most wonderful time...for Christmas cookies, Hannah's own special plum puddingβ€”and romance! She also gets a kick out of β€œLunatic Larry Jaeger’s Crazy Elf Christmas Tree Lot,” a kitschy carnival taking place
smack-dab in the middle of the village green. But then Hannah discovers the man himself dead as a doornail in his own office...

Now, with so many suspects to investigate and the twelve days of Christmas ticking away, Hannah's running out of time to nab a murderous Scrooge who doesn't want her to see the New Year...

I wanted to read something nice and light toΒ ease back intoΒ things after the whirlwind of the wedding and honeymoon, so naturallyΒ I chose a Hannah Swenson book that takes place at Christmas!

This is the 12th book in the Hannah Swenson series.

I liked this book. I think this is the second Hannah book I’ve read that takes place at Christmas, which is my absolute favourite time of year. That said, I think I enjoyed this book more than I otherwise would have had it not been set during the Christmas holiday. All of the recipes in the storyΒ were Christmasy, and there is a subplot involving Hannah’s cat and her Christmas tree that I loved – having had pet cats as a child, I have a lot of memories of Christmas tree-related incidents!

On to the murder! The murder in this book actually takes place several chapters in, which I liked, because it allowed the story to build and the characters to be established. The story was good, with Hannah ending up in some serious trouble at the end, but of course she ends up safe and sound.

I did figure out who the killer was in this one fairly early on, but as usual, it didn’t ruin the story for me,Β particularly since I didn’t know the killer’s motive until all was revealed to Hannah in the end. There were also some fun subplots, not to mention the delicious recipes between chapters.

Overall, this was a fun, quick read that put me in the extra-early holiday spirit!


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