Just One Reader's Opinion!

Quick Lit

August 2021

I’ve been reading so much, but I don’t always feel like writing a full review for everything. I was inspired by Modern Mrs. Darcy’s Quick Lit posts, as well as Hannah at So Obsessed Withβ€˜s monthly Quick Lit posts, and decided to do something similar as a way to briefly discuss the books I read in a month but don’t write full reviews for.

I read 12 books in August, but as usual I am behind on reviews! I’ve only managed to post reviews on my blog of three of them:

Conversations With Friends, Sally Rooney;

Project Hail Mary, Andy Weir; and

The Final Girl Support Group, Grady Hendrix.

There are others that I am planning on reviewing, but I haven’t quite managed to finish my reviews:

Fan Club, Erin Mayer (I read an ARC so will review closer to the late October release date);

All These Bodies, Kendare Blake; and

The Woods Are Always Watching, Stephanie Perkins.

Here are my thoughts on the rest of my August reads:

A Touch of Jen, Beth Morgan (library) – 3⭐

This was a strange story that was interesting enough, and I liked the ending, but I didn’t totally understand what was happening throughout.

A Dark and Secret Place, Jen Williams (library) – 3⭐

The synopsis for this book was so intriguing, but the main character seemed so dense at times and the ending strained my credulity.

Keep It Together, Keiko Carter, Debbi Michiko Florence (library audio) – 4⭐

This was such a fun, delightful read, and it worked really great on audiobook. I loved the narrator, Stephanie Komure.

Renegades, Marissa Meyer (owned) – 3.5⭐

I’ve had this book on my shelf for ages and I’m glad I finally read it! I liked the world/ideas here, but the book felt too long and I started losing interest at times. I also felt like for the length of this book, I barely got to know anything about the many characters. However, the ending really picked up and was exciting, and now I need to read the sequel.

If I Disappear, Eliza Jane Brazier (library) – 3⭐

This was so intriguing, based on the synopsis, but it was a really frustrating read for me because it really felt like nothing was happening most of the time. But then there would be an occasional line or turn of phrase that made me really pay attention. This was an uneven read for me.

You’re So Dead, Ash Parsons (owned) – 2.5⭐

This was disappointing because I really enjoyed her earlier book, Girls Save The World In This One. I thought that was a fun, exciting read. But this was a let down. Where I was expecting a murder mystery with a good dose of humour, I instead got a book that was not funny, not very mysterious, and not very interesting. In terms of satire it missed the mark for me, and the stakes never felt real. The characters all felt so bland and two dimensional.

What have you been reading lately?


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