Just One Reader's Opinion!

Quick Lit

December 2024

I’ve been reading so much, but I don’t always feel like writing a full review for everything. I was inspired byΒ Modern Mrs. Darcy’s Quick LitΒ posts and decided to do something similar as a way to briefly discuss the books I read in a month but don’t write full reviews for.

The last of my 2024 Quick Lit posts! I had a good reading month in December. I finished 11 books and I liked them all!

1. Cat + Gamer Vol. 3, Wataru Nadatani (purchased) – 5⭐

This series is one of my favourite bookish discoveries! It is so cute, so funny, so sweet! I can’t wait to continue reading.

2. The Thursday Murder Club, Richard Osman (purchased) – 4⭐

This was such a delightful read! I really enjoyed the mystery and the characters, and I’m waiting on my library hold for book two in the series.

3. The Black Hunger, Nicholas Pullen (purchased) – 3.5⭐

I was really drawn into this and enjoying it initially. It reminded me of how I felt reading one of my favourites, The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova: it seemed like a richly detailed story, with a looming sense of dread that grew as the story went on. This didn’t hold up for me all the way through to the end, though, and if you aren’t up for a very slow burn, this may not be the book for you.

4. Joe Country, Mick Herron (purchased) – 4⭐

I have been loving this series, and I thought this was one of the best in the series so far. I love this ragtag group!

5. Slough House, Mick Herron (purchased) – 4.5⭐

I jumped right into the next book in the series, which was even better than the one I’d just finished. And that ending!! I was so glad that I had the next book already on my shelf!

6. The List, Mick Herron (purchased) – 4⭐

I started reading the short stories in this series, to round out the world of Slough House. I believe this takes place between books two and three, and it was a great quick read.

7. The Merylebone Drop, Mick Herron (purchased) – 4⭐

This is another short story in the Slough House series (Slough House was clearly the theme of my December reading!). It takes place between books five and six, and includes characters introduced in The List. This also added some information to the recent books in the main series I’d read and I appreciated seeing how they tied in to the world of Jackson Lamb and his slow horses.

8. The Catch, Mick Herron (purchased) – 4⭐

This short story takes place between books six and seven, and continues John Bachelor’s down-on-his-luck tale. These short stories are a great bonus read for fans of the series, even where they don’t feature our usual crew.

9. Bad Actors, Mick Herron (purchased) – 4⭐

I finally went back to the main Slough House series, which I’d put off doing since this is the last book until the next one comes out later this year. After the ending of Slough House, I was hoping things would pick up right where they left off, but I should have known better! I never once knew where this story or its characters, were headed, and it was such a fun read. I am counting the days until the next book is in my hands!

10. Standing by the Wall, Mick Herron (purchased) – 4⭐

This is the last novella I had to read in the Slow Horses series, and takes place on Christmas Eve, making it perfect for my December reading! This one does include Jackson Lamb and his slow horses, and was a very quick, fun read.

11. Assassin’s Anonymous, Rob Hart (purchased) – 4⭐

This was a really fun read, like a rehab for John Wick-style assassins. It was action packed and funny, and I so enjoyed wrapping up my 2024 reading with this delightful book. Its sequel is one of my highly anticipated 2025 books!


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