October 2019
I’ve been reading a lot lately, and not always feeling like I want to write a full review for each book read (or sometimes I just don’t have much to say about a book). So I was inspired by Modern Mrs. Darcy’s Quick Lit posts, as well as Hannah at So Obsessed With‘s monthly Quick Lit posts, and decided to do something similar as a way to briefly discuss the books I read in a month but don’t write full reviews for.
Of the 18 books I read in October, I’ve reviewed (or have reviews coming up for) 11 of them. So here are some brief thoughts of mine on the rest!
Missing Person, Sarah Lotz (library) – 3/5 stars
This was fine, but not as much of a mystery as I thought it would be, and I didn’t really connect with any of the characters.
The Grownup, Gillian Flynn (purchased) – 3/5 stars
This was a short story that was not at all what I expected, but I didn’t love it.
The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson (purchased) – 3/5 stars
This was another quick read, and while I think my reading experience was a bit weakened by knowing so much about the story before having read it, it was still a fun October pick.
This House is Haunted, John Boyne (library) – 3/5 stars
There was definitely a theme with my October reading! I was in the midst of spooky season and wanted to read books to enhance that mood. I thought this one started well but then got a bit silly and I was disappointed in the end, given that I went into it with such high expectations.
The Cabin at the End of the World, Paul Tremblay (purchased) – 3/5 stars
This started quite strongly and I was pulled into it right away, but things went downhill for me the more the story went on. I was hoping for something on par with A Head Full of Ghosts, but this definitely wasn’t that.
The Liars of Mariposa Island, Jennifer Mathieu (ARC) – 3/5 stars
I received an ARC of this from Raincoast Books, and when I picked it up to start reading, I decided not to reread the synopsis to refresh my memory, and went in instead without remembering what the book was about (sometimes it’s more fun that way!). This was a book that I enjoyed while reading, but didn’t come away from it with any stronger feelings than that.
Heart of Ash (Blood and Salt #2), Kim Liggett (library) – 2/5 stars
I read this because I had really enjoyed Blood and Salt a few years ago. But man, this book just did nothing for me. I really tried to find the things I’d loved about Blood and Salt in this book, but I could not.
So that’s my October reading wrapped up! On to November next!