Just One Reader's Opinion!


CourtCourt By Cat Patrick

Source Received from Rock Star PR & Literary Consulting

Published by West 26th Street Press on October 23, 2014

Received from Rock Star PR & Literary Consulting in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Rating: three-stars

Cover image and summary from Goodreads:

For more than 400 years, a secret monarchy has survived and thrived within the borders of the US, hiding in plain sight as the state known as Wyoming. But when the king is shot and his seventeen-year-old son, Haakon McHale, is told he will take the throne, becoming the eleventh ruler of the Kingdom of Eurus, the community that's survived for centuries is pushed to the limit. Told through four perspectives, Court transplants us to a world that looks like ours, but isn't. Gwendolyn Rose, daughter of the Duke of Coal, is grudgingly betrothed to Haakon -- and just wants a way out. Alexander Oxendine, son of the Duke of Wind and Haakon's lifelong best friend, already grapples with external struggles when he's assigned to guard Haakon after the king dies. And commoner Mary Doyle finds whispers in the woods that may solve -- or destroy -- everything, depending on your bloodline.

Money. Love. Power. Community. What's your motivation?

I loved the concept of this book: hidden monarchy in the present day U.S.A.? I’m intrigued! And also I LOVE that cover!

I liked the alternating viewpoints, and getting to see the kingdom of Eurus from different perspectives.

Sadly, while I read the first half of the book quickly and was super interested in the characters and what would happen to them, the second half of the book fell a bit flat for me, and unless there’s going to be a sequel (I can’t really tell from Goodreads at the time of writing this), I don’t care for the ending.

Despite my lukewarm feelings, I would recommend this because the idea is so unique. And if there is a sequel, I will definitely be reading it when it comes out!


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