Just One Reader's Opinion!

Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares

Dash & Lily’s Book of DaresDash & Lily's Book of Dares By Rachel Cohn, David Levithan

Series: Dash & Lily #1

Source Received from the publisher

on October 26, 2010

Received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Rating: three-half-stars

“I’ve left some clues for you.
If you want them, turn the page.
If you don’t, put the book back on the shelf, please.”

So begins the latest whirlwind romance from the bestselling authors of Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist. Lily has left a red notebook full of challenges on a favorite bookstore shelf, waiting for just the right guy to come along and accept its dares. But is Dash that right guy? Or are Dash and Lily only destined to trade dares, dreams, and desires in the notebook they pass back and forth at locations across New York? Could their in-person selves possibly connect as well as their notebook versions? Or will they be a comic mismatch of disastrous proportions?

Rachel Cohn and David Levithan have written a love story that will have readers perusing bookstore shelves, looking and longing for a love (and a red notebook) of their own.

I know that the authors have written other books together (Nick & Nora’s Infinite Playlist, for example) but hadn’t read any of their jointly written books before. I have read a book by David Levithan (Love is the Higher Law) and have more on my TBR list. When I had the opportunity to read this, I jumped at the chance.

I love the idea of this book: While wandering his favourite book store over the Christmas holidays in New York, Dash comes across a red moleskine notebook, with intructions. Once he completes the task, he writes his own in the notebook and leaves it with the store clerk. So begins a series of back and forth notes and tasks between Dash and Lily, taking them all over the city, occasionally pushing each other’s boundaries.

I loved the format, with chapters alternating between Dash’s and Lily’s perspectives. In the beginning, it definitely highlighted how different they appeared to be from each other (e.g. Dash says he hates the holidays, and when Lily’s chapter begins, she declares her love for Christmas). I also really liked Dash and Lily. Dash was smart, a bit sarcastic, and very wordy. I loved his vocabulary! And Lily was optimistic, but more reserved. I liked that, through the journal, they were able to share things with each other that they didn’t share with anyone else. Even though they didn’t know each other in real life, there was an intimacy between them.

Eventually, of course, the question arose of whether or not Dash and Lily should meet. I felt their anxiety – Dash wondering if Lily would be able to live up to his idea of who the girl in the notebook is, and vice versa. I won’t spoil anything about what happens once they meet, but it was sweet and funny and made me smile.

And how could I not mention part of my favourite aspect of the book: Christmas! I loved reading about Lily’s Christmas cheer, and the sights and sounds of the holiday season. Yes, I know Christmas just happened, but this book got me feeling all warm and fuzzy again for the holidays.

This book was a very fun, quick read and I definitely recommend it.


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