Just One Reader's Opinion!


NightwatchingNightwatching By Tracy Sierra

Source Purchased

Published by Pamela Dorman Books on February 1, 2024

Rating: four-stars

Home alone with her young children during a blizzard, a mother tucks her son back into bed in the middle of the night. She hears a noiseβ€”old houses are always making some kind of noise. But this sound is disturbingly familiar: it’s the tread of footsteps, unusually heavy and slow, coming up the stairs.

She sees the figure of a man appear down the hallway, shrouded in the shadows. Terrified, she quietly wakes her children and hustles them into the oldest part of the house, a tiny, secret room concealed behind a wall. There they hide as the man searches for them, trying to tempt the children out with promises and scare the mother into surrender.

In the suffocating darkness, the mother struggles to remain calm, to plan. Should she search for a weapon or attempt escape? But then she catches another glimpse of him. That face. That voice. And at once she knows her situation is even more dire than she’d feared, because she knows exactly who he isβ€”and what he wants.

This is one of those books that I knew the bare minimum about before picking it up and went in hoping for a tense thriller.

For the most part, this was the kind of thriller that had me turning pages frantically, on the edge of my seat needing to see what happened next. I wound up finishing this in one day, staying up late into the night to get to the last page.

For the most part, this was definitely tense, suspenseful, and nearly impossible to put down. Where it sort of dragged for me was View Spoiler »

The tension of the majority of the story is intercut with flashback chapters that reveal more about the mother’s life and relationship with her family, and I thought that was a really effective way to give her more depth as a character while keeping the immediacy of the break-in at the front of my mind.

If you’re looking for a page-turner, Nightwatching is worth your time!


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