Just One Reader's Opinion!

Would Like To Meet

Would Like To MeetWould Like To Meet By Rachel Winters

Source Library

Published by G.P. Putnam's Sons on December 3, 2019

Rating: three-stars

After seven years as an assistant, 29-year-old Evie Summers is ready to finally get the promotion she deserves. But now the TV and film agency she's been running behind the scenes is in trouble, and Evie will lose her job unless she can convince the agency's biggest and most arrogant client, Ezra Chester, to finish writing the script for a Hollywood romantic comedy.

The catch? Ezra is suffering from writer's block--and he'll only put pen to paper if singleton Evie can prove to him that you can fall in love like they do in the movies. With the future of the agency in jeopardy, Evie embarks on a mission to meet a man the way Sally met Harry or Hugh Grant met Julia Roberts.

But in the course of testing out the meet-cute scenes from classic romantic comedies IRL, not only will Evie encounter one humiliating situation after another, but she'll have to confront the romantic past that soured her on love. In a novel as hilarious as it is heartwarming, debut author Rachel Winters proves that sometimes real life is better than the movies--and that the best kind of meet-cutes happen when you least expect them.

I’ve been reading a lot of mysteries and thrillers and watching a lot of horror movies lately, and I thought that reading this book would be like a breath of fresh air! I have not particularly been in the mood for romance or light and fluffy books, but when this hold came in via my library’s ebook system, I thought I would give it a go.

This concept was so fun, and I couldn’t help but laugh at Evie’s failed meet-cute attempts throughout the book. And I wanted to love his one, but there were some things that prevented me from enjoying it more than I did.

I had a really difficult time with the stuff about Evie’s job, particularly her relationships with Monty and Ezra. It was the bulk of the story, but it was the part that I found the most annoying.

Also, the romance aspect actually felt like a secondary storyline, behind all the work stuff and Evie’s friend’s wedding. I didn’t really feel like any actual romance took place, honestly.

So while this had a fun setup and I liked Evie and most of the other characters well enough, and reading about her terrible meet-cute attempts was entertaining, I didn’t get a real sense of who her love interest was as a character or that there was any real romance or depth of feeling between them.


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