Just One Reader's Opinion!

Devil’s Advocate

Devil’s AdvocateDevil's Advocate By Jonathan Maberry

Series: The X-Files: Origins #2

Source Library

Published by Imprint on January 3, 2017

Rating: three-stars

Cover image and synopsis from Goodreads:

How did Fox Mulder become a believer? How did Dana Scully become a skeptic? The X-Files Origins has the answers in this young adult origin story.

The X-Files Origins: Devil's Advocate will explore the teen years of Dana Scully, the beloved character depicted in the cult-favorite TV show The X-Files. Her story is set in the spring of 1979, when serial murder, the occult, and government conspiracy were highlighted in the news.

The book will follow Scully as she experiences life-changing events that set her on the path to becoming an FBI agent.

I was really excited when I heard about the X-Files: Origins books, one about a young Dana Scully and the other (Agent of Chaos, by Kami Garcia) about a young Fox Mulder. I put a hold on these at my library as soon as I could, and was really excited to pick them up in early February.

I like The X-Files TV show, but I’m not knowledgeable about all of the show’s storylines and mythology. I was a little too young when it first aired to watch it, but over the years I’ve seen a number of episodes. And because this is a story about Dana Scully in her teens, in high school, I didn’t feel like I was missing out by not knowing everything about the show (although if you are a fan, there may be references in this book that went over my head – but I did catch some!). I am a fan of the character of Dana Scully, and reading about her as a teenager was so fun!

Sadly, the mystery that is central to the story failed to really capture my interest. I thought the culprit was pretty clear from the start, but it was still somewhat fun to see Dana work at solving it.

This was a fun read but in the end it was just okay for me. I am hoping that I’ll like Agent of Chaos more.


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