Just One Reader's Opinion!

Mind of Winter

Mind of WinterMind of Winter By Laura Kasischke

Source Library

Published by Harper on March 25, 2014

Rating: four-stars

On a snowy Christmas morning, Holly Judge awakens with the fragments of a nightmare floating on the edge of her consciousness. Something followed them from Russia. Thirteen years ago, she and her husband Eric adopted baby Tatty, their pretty, black-haired Rapunzel, from the Pokrovka Orphanage #2. Now, at fifteen, Tatiana is more beautiful than everβ€”and disturbingly erratic.

As a blizzard rages outside, Holly and Tatiana are alone. With each passing hour, Tatiana’s mood darkens, and her behavior becomes increasingly frightening, until Holly finds she no longer recognizes her daughter.

This was the first book that I read in 2020 and I nearly finished it in a day. Once I started, I knew I wouldn’t want to put it down until I finished reading.

This was the kind of book that filled me with dread and tension, even though I wasn’t sure why, and I just love books like that! So I raced to get to the last page and see what was going on here, and the ending lived up to the rest of the book.

Unfortunately, to say more would give too much away, but I definitely recommend that you pick this book up if you want a tense, suspenseful thriller that might surprise you.


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