Just One Reader's Opinion!

Quick Lit

December 2020

I’ve been reading a lot this year, but not always feeling like I want to write a full review for each book read (or sometimes I just don’t have much to say about a book). So I was inspired by Modern Mrs. Darcy’s Quick Lit posts, as well as Hannah at So Obsessed With‘s monthly Quick Lit posts, and decided to do something similar as a way to briefly discuss the books I read in a month but don’t write full reviews for.

December was another good reading month for me. I finished 17 books, bringing my 2020 total to 182 books! That is the most books I’ve ever read in a year.

These are the books I’ve already reviewed on the blog:

They Never Learn, Layne Fargo;

Piranesi, Susanna Clarke;

A Promised Land, Barack Obama;

Hench, Natalie Zina Walschots;

The Sun Down Motel, Simone St. James; and

The Thief, Megan Whalen Turner.

And here are my thoughts on the rest of what I read in December:

Bellman & Black, Diane Setterfield (owned) – 3.5⭐

This was a slow, gothic novel with some lovely writing. It took me some time to get into this one but once I did, I liked it.

The Silence, Don DeLillo (library) – 2⭐

I maybe just didn’t understand this one. I didn’t like it.

The Echo Wife, Sarah Gailey (e-ARC) – 3.5⭐

I’ll have more to say about this one closer to its release date in February, but this was a neat and kind of twisty sci-fi slow-build story.

One of the Good Ones, Maika Moulite and Maritza Moulite (e-ARC) – 4⭐

I will be posting my full review of this one on Monday. It was so good!

Milk and Honey, Rupi Kaur (library) – 2⭐

This was just not for me. At all.

Upstream: Selected Essays, Mary Oliver (library) – 4⭐

There were some fantastic pieces in this collection. I’ve read a bunch of essay collections this year and this one had some lovely selections.

The Body Double, Emily Beyda (owned) – 3⭐

I liked this strange story but it moved so slowly at times. The synopsis fascinated me, but I struggled to stay invested midway through when it felt like it was just dragging on. It picked up quite a bit at the end, in a way that surprised me, and I think that bumped up my enjoyment of the story.

Riot Baby, Tochi Onyebuchi (owned) – 4⭐

This was a moving novella about a brother and sister, Ella and Kev, each with their own powers, and the racism and injustice that they experience. We also see how strong the bond is between the two of them, and it’s a really powerful story.

The Yellow Wallpaper, Charlotte Perkins Gilman (owned) – 4⭐

This short story was one I’d heard about a lot and I intended to finally read it this year. For the short page count, it really packed a punch! This was an unsettling read.

Last Chance Books, Kelsey Rodkey (e-ARC) – 2.5⭐

This is one that I will post a fuller review of closer to its release date, but this one was just okay for me.

Nobody Cares, Anne T. Donahue (owned) – 4⭐

I loved this! I am a fan of Anne Donahue’s writing and this essay collection was delightful. It was so funny and relatable and I know she has another book coming out in the near future, and I am definitely looking forward to it.

What have you been reading lately?


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