Just One Reader's Opinion!

Road of Bones

Road of BonesRoad of Bones By Christopher Golden

Source Purchased

Published by St. Martin's Press on January 25, 2022

Rating: four-stars

Kolyma Highway, otherwise known as the Road of Bones, is a 1200 mile stretch of Siberian road where winter temperatures can drop as low as sixty degrees below zero. Under Stalin, at least eighty Soviet gulags were built along the route to supply the USSR with a readily available workforce, and over time hundreds of thousands of prisoners died in the midst of their labors. Their bodies were buried where they fell, plowed under the permafrost, underneath the road.

Felix Teigland, or "Teig," is a documentary producer, and when he learns about the Road of Bones, he realizes he's stumbled upon untapped potential. Accompanied by his camera operator, Teig hires a local Yakut guide to take them to Oymyakon, the coldest settlement on Earth. Teig is fascinated by the culture along the Road of Bones, and encounters strange characters on the way to the Oymyakon, but when the team arrives, they find the village mysteriously abandoned apart from a mysterious 9-year-old girl. Then, chaos ensues.

A malignant, animistic shaman and the forest spirits he commands pursues them as they flee the abandoned town and barrel across miles of deserted permafrost. As the chase continues along this road paved with the suffering of angry ghosts, what form will the echoes of their anguish take? Teig and the others will have to find the answers if they want to survive the Road of Bones.

Oooh I was so excited to read this book! The cover and the synopsis definitely grabbed my attention, and the middle of a cold snap just seemed like the right time to pick this one up once my pre-order arrived.

This was a delightfully creepy, fast-paced story that pulled me in right away. It was one of those fun rides where I cared about the characters, couldn’t predict what would happen next, and didn’t want to put the book down. It also made me look up the Kolyma Highway and do some reading on its history.

If you’re looking for a quick, spooky read to lose yourself in, check this one out!


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