Just One Reader's Opinion!

The Lying Game

The Lying GameThe Lying Game By Ruth Ware

Source Received from the publisher

Published by Simon & Schuster Canada on June 15, 2017

Received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Rating: three-half-stars

Cover image and synopsis from Goodreads:

The text message is just three words: I need you.

Isa drops everything, takes her baby daughter and heads straight to Salten. She spent the most significant days of her life at boarding school on the marshes there, days which still cast their shadow over her now.

Something terrible has been found on the beach. Something which will force Isa to confront her past, together with the three best friends she hasn't seen for years, but has never forgotten. Theirs is no cosy reunion: Salten isn't a safe place for them, after what they did.

At school the girls used to play the Lying Game. They competed to convince people of the most outrageous stories. But for some, did the boundary between fact and fantasy become too blurred?

And how much can you really trust your friends?

I read Ruth Ware’s In a Dark, Dark Wood a while ago and liked it. When I received this ARC, I was definitely intrigued. I’m on a very big mystery kick this year, and am always excited to check out a new one.

I liked this book. I think I liked it more than I did In a Dark, Dark Wood. I really enjoyed its focus on female friendship, particularly getting to see the girls’ friendship develop from the time they were teenagers to adulthood.

The mystery was really interesting, but there were times where it felt like not much was happening, plot-wise. I also got frustrated with the way a character would say something mysterious and then no one would follow up or ask about it. It happened more than once and was kind of irritating.

Overall, this was a good, interesting read. Ruth Ware has another book out that I haven’t read yet, but I definitely want to check it out.

Buy a copy for yourself!


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