Just One Reader's Opinion!

Quick Lit

June 2023

I’ve been reading so much, but I don’t always feel like writing a full review for everything. I was inspired byΒ Modern Mrs. Darcy’s Quick LitΒ posts, as well as Hannah atΒ So Obsessed Withβ€˜s monthly Quick Lit posts, and decided to do something similar as a way to briefly discuss the books I read in a month but don’t write full reviews for.

How is it nearly the end of July already? I don’t feel like I read a ton in June (eight books) but I did DNF a couple so maybe that’s why. And I have actually reviewed all of my June reads except one on the blog already:

The Only Survivors, Megan Miranda;

Beware the Woman, Megan Abbott;

Still Life, Louise Penny;

The Lost Village, Camilla Sten;

The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy, Megan Bannen;

The Poisoner’s Ring, Kelley Armstrong; and

Romantic Comedy, Curtis Sittenfeld (this review is scheduled for next week!).

How To Read Now, Elaine Castillo (owned)

The other book I finished in June (but started much earlier) is this non-fiction essay collection that purports to be about the ethics and politics of reading. It was that at times, but at other times it was a bit too academic or over my head for me to grasp. I did find some of the essays thought provoking and interesting to read and grapple with, but others were too dry or too dense for me to find my way into. So I don’t really want to rate this one because I’m not sure how I feel about it overall but it was worthwhile reading.

What have you been reading lately?

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