April 2022
I’ve been reading so much, but I don’t always feel like writing a full review for everything. I was inspired by Modern Mrs. Darcy’s Quick Lit posts, as well as Hannah at So Obsessed With‘s monthly Quick Lit posts, and decided to do something similar as a way to briefly discuss the books I read in a month but don’t write full reviews for.
If I thought March flew by, then April whizzed by in a blur! I can’t believe it’s already the first week of May!
My reading felt like it was on a pretty steady pace, and I finished 12 books last month, which is a bit more than I read in March.
I’ve reviewed four of those books on the blog:
In My Dreams I Hold A Knife, Ashley Winstead;
I Am The Ghost In Your House, Maria Romasco-Moore;
The Book of the Most Precious Substance, Sara Gran; and
And Then I Woke Up, Malcolm Devlin.
I enjoyed all of those books to varying degrees!
I read one e-ARC (Once Upon a K-Prom by Kat Cho) that I really liked, and will post that review closer to the May 17 release date.
I also read two other books (A Novel Obsession by Caitlin Barasch and The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes) that I’ll be reviewing here in the coming days.
Here are my thoughts on the rest of my April reads:
Survive the Dome, Kosoko Jackson (e-ARC) – 3⭐
This was fast-paced and had lots of action, but the characters felt flat. I would have liked to know more about Marco and Catherine, for example, but they felt shallow to me.
How To Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy, Jenny Odell (owned) – 3⭐
This was really interesting at times, but no matter how much I really tried to focus on it I think a lot of it went over my head.
Crumbs, Danie Stirling (e-ARC) – 4⭐
This graphic novel was so cute and sweet! It was a great cozy, happy read and the illustrations were delightful! I wish I’d been able to learn more about the magic and how it worked, but I quite enjoyed this.
Real Easy, Marie Rutkoski (library) – 3⭐
I really wanted to love this, but I found it way too hard to wrap my head around the number of narrators and it kept me from feeling like I knew or cared about any of the characters. The mystery was good, but I couldn’t get into this as much as I wanted to.
A Night To Die For, Lisa Schroeder (owned) – 3⭐
I love this cover! This was a quick read with chapters that kept me wanting to see what happened next, but like Real Easy, I liked the mystery but the number of revolving narrators kept me from feeling like I got to know any one character or that they had much depth.
What have you been reading lately?