An Irish Country Doctor
I would recommend this if you’re looking for something light-hearted and humorous.
I would recommend this if you’re looking for something light-hearted and humorous.
I suppose my main gripe with the book is that some of the characters were just so darn unlikable, and if I can’t connect with a character in a book, I have a hard time feeling drawn in and invested in the story.
I have been reading a lot of young adult fiction lately and this book was an excellent change of pace. I really recommend that you pick up all of Pearl’s novels, particularly this one.
If you haven’t read this one already, I definitely recommend it. It’s poignant and funny and compelling. If you have read it, I would love to know what you thought of the book.
This is the second book in Carrie Ryan’s Forest of Hands and Teeth series. I enjoyed that book, and if you did too, then I would recommend this book.
I really enjoyed this book and recommend it to those looking for a young adult book with a bit of a twist.
Overall, I enjoyed this book. I enjoyed the twist on the familiar story, and thought it was well-written.
If you’ve been reading the other Hannah Swenson books, I would recommend that you continue the series with this one.
Hannah Swenson has another murder to solve! If you liked the previous Hannah Swenson books, you’ll like this one.
Although I wasn’t initially sure if this is a book I would recommend, after reflecting on it to write this post, I do recommend it.