If you’re a fan of historical YA fiction, I definitely recommend this book.
While The Name of the Star was the better book for me, I still enjoyed this, I love the world and characters that Maureen Johnson has created, and I definitely recommend this series.
I would definitely be interested in reading something else by Charlotte Rogan (I believe this is her debut novel), and I recommend this to fans of historical fiction, survival stories, or people who like complex narrators.
I am definitely reading the next book in this series, and if you like supernatural YA, you should read this book!
Even if you’ve seen the movie, if you haven’t read this book, I definitely recommend it.
For its humour, great characters, and sheer fun, this is definitely a recommended read!
I really am happy that I had the opportunity to read this book, because I absolutely loved its optimism and humour, and once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down! I definitely recommend this one.
This was a quick read, but it was engrossing and moving.